Terms of use

Hello! Glad to hear of your interest! Before creating your account on ELOS, take the time to read our Terms of Use and learn about the rules that govern our relationship with you.

Below we will clarify some points that we consider important. If you have any questions regarding any points discussed or not discussed in this document, please do not hesitate to contact us at customerservice@mconf.com or through our social networks.

Start by reading a summary:

  • Your data may be used to generate statistics that will serve as input to generate improvements in the service provided, but always anonymously (you will not be identified);
  • Personal data that identifies you may be made available, through reports, to the institution or person responsible for the videoconference room you access, and in these cases the responsibility for the use of this personal data lies with that institution or person;
  • You are responsible for the information contained in content shared during a conference;
  • Elos is a service for people over 18 years old. Any use by minors may only be carried out under the supervision of an adult legal guardian;
  • Do not publish materials that incite violence, hatred, sexism, racism, that allude to pornography, pedophilia, weapons, drugs and other disturbing or illegal content;
  • You undertake not to attempt to carry out any illegal act or that could constitute abuse or exploitation of the service;
  • All data you share during a conference will be recorded, and in some cases it will also be stored for some time, such as recordings and information useful for providing support;
  • Recordings will be stored and available for a maximum period of 6 (six) months. You can download them within this period and save them as you prefer;
  • Your account is yours and you are responsible for any damage caused or alleged to third parties, due to acts carried out on it;
  • You can cancel your account at any time. If you are a subscriber user, you will need to pay for your usage so far in the current month, respecting minimum rates when applicable;
  • Upon cancellation, you accept that your recordings may be removed immediately, without prior notice or express consent;
  • We may use the name of your company or institution and your logo on our website while you are a subscribing user;
  • Elos is our property, including its brand. You can use it with all its features, but this does not guarantee you any type of right to the intellectual property developed and offered on the platform;
  • If you need help, we are available during business hours via email (atendimento@mconf.com) and on our social networks. Furthermore, we provide various content and materials online for you to answer questions about the service and the tool in an agile and resolving manner, mainly in our Help Center: elos.vc/ajuda;
  • The terms of use are valid for an indefinite period of time. If something significant changes, you will be notified to read and accept the new terms – but we also recommend that you visit this document periodically to look for small, occasional changes.

Reading this summary is not a substitute for reading the full Terms of Use. Please also read our privacy policies. Privacy and of Information Security, documents that are mandatory complementary to this one.



In this instrument, we understand the expressions below in accordance with the following definitions:

MCONF: MCONF TECNOLOGIA LTDA EPP, limited liability company, registered with the CNPJ under no. 17.466.795/0001-20, headquartered in the city of Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, at Avenida Ipiranga, nº 321/301, CEP 90160-092, provider of the services offered by PLATFORM and by PORTAL.

PLATFORM: Software in format cloud computing denominated ELOS, available on a website, offered by MCONF and ownership, operation and liability of MCONF, where the USERS, SUBSCRIBER USERS It is THIRD PARTY USERS can view and use the services offered by MCONF in the software ELOS, based on permissions established in accordance with and in accordance with the plans and/or contracts established in this document and in its aforementioned complementary documentation.

PORTAL: Software in format cloud computing denominated ELOS PORTAL, available on a website, offered by MCONF and ownership, operation and liability of MCONF, where all USERS It is SUBSCRIBER USERS can view and use the services offered by MCONF in the software PORTAL, based on permissions established in accordance with and in accordance with the plans and/or contracts established in this document and in its aforementioned complementary documentation. Its purpose is to manage access to USERS It is SUBSCRIBER USERS The PLATFORM, as well as managing their records.

USERS: Individual or legal entity with active and valid registration in the PORTAL and with permission to access the resources offered therein, as well as access to PLATFORM and its functionalities, as provided in this document.

SUBSCRIBER USER: Variation of USER who deliberately chooses to hire the services of PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL in its premium version, upon full agreement to pay the monetary amounts informed on the official website of the PLATFORM or, on exceptional occasions and dealt directly with the MCONF, agrees with the values established in specific agreements duly registered by contract and/or email.

THIRD PARTY USER: natural or legal person who uses the PLATFORM from a business definition of a SUBSCRIBER USER or from a USER. The agreements established between THIRD PARTY USERS It is SUBSCRIBER USERS or USERS do not go through procedures involving the MCONF. One THIRD PARTY USER will not be registered in PORTAL to have access to PLATFORM. The responsibility for granting and managing access to a THIRD PARTY USER The PLATFORM It's from SUBSCRIBER USER or USER

CONTENT: Any and all digital files, in any format, supported by PLATFORM, and made available here, as well as all images and texts produced or reproduced by all variations of USERS while using the PLATFORM and/or from the PORTAL.

DATA PROCESSING: Every operation carried out by MCONF with personal data of USERS in all its variations, such as those referring to collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction.

GDPR: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation).

GDPR: General Data Protection Law (BR) 13,709/2018.

IN CHARGE: Leonardo Crauss Daronco, whose contact email is dpo@mconf.com, indicated by MCONF to act as a communication channel between the controller, data subjects and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD). Click here to view the appointment letter.


This instrument regulates the conditions of access and/or use of the services of PLATFORM It's from PORTAL, being a contract between the USERS or SUBSCRIBER USERS and the MCONF. Accessing and/or using our services expressly indicates that you agree and understand all the terms and conditions contained herein and the legal provisions applicable to the species.





If you DO NOT AGREE with the terms of use provided for in this instrument, DO NOT click on “Create an account” or connect with your social network account, access, view, download or use in any way any page, content, information or services of PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL.

When using the PLATFORM, by the THIRD PARTY USERS, occur through the bond that the USERS THE 3RD have with a SUBSCRIBER USER or USER, these Terms of Use will be in addition to the specific agreements between SUBSCRIBER USERS or USERS and yours THIRD PARTY USERS, and there may be no divergence in these agreements from these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy or the Information Security Policy of MCONF.


A MCONF is a private company that offers the ELOS, a system that allows USERS, in all its variations, hold online video collaboration conferences in real time, as well as make digital files available and access the content of the conference held, for as long as it remains available on the PLATFORM or in PORTAL.

Therefore, throughout this document, all variations of USERS declare that they will not attribute any type of responsibility to the MCONF that does not exclusively concern the functionalities and proper functioning of the PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL.


When accessing and/or using the PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL, you USERS, in all its variations, may share different CONTENTS, including, but not limited to: files, email addresses, conference recordings and other materials. Such data is the property of the USERS and not give MCONF.

The use of PLATFORM It's from PORTAL are permitted for people over 18 years of age. Any use by minors must be done under the supervision of a legal guardian, who assumes and agrees with all provisions contained in this document.

A MCONF enables those referred to USERS have access to various resources and functionalities available on the PLATFORM and/or in PORTAL, You can use some resources for free and other resources for a fee.


YOU SUBSCRIBER USERS It is USERS may receive notifications of advertisements, as well as messages, from MCONF. Notifications sent to those referred USERS may occur through different means of communication, such as, but not limited to: email, SMS, push notifications, posts on PLATFORM and in PORTAL.

This Terms of Use grants USERS, in all its forms, a personal, worldwide, revocable, non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use the PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL, given that the aforementioned USERS may not use or allow access and/or use of the PLATFORM It's from PORTAL for any other purpose that is not expressly provided for in this Terms of Use. Therefore, the aforementioned USERS, without any limitation: copy, modify, distribute, sell or rent the services made available by MCONF and made possible by PLATFORM and/or by PORTAL. However, the SUBSCRIBER USER may, without restrictions, join the PLATFORM to a third-party system (for example, Moodle) through an integration key, with the SUBSCRIBER USER responsible for the good use of PLATFORM through the integration key.

You USERS, in all its variations, understand that to use the PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL must have access to the internet.

It is the responsibility of USERS of all modalities have access to the necessary technology to ensure the proper functioning of the PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL. The lack of access to the appropriate technology recommended and recommended by MCONF may result in the impossibility of using the PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL. The list of requirements can be found through the HELP link or at the address elos.vc/ajuda.

When using the features of the PLATFORM It's from PORTAL No variation of USERS: (i) use profane, offensive or misleading language; (ii) make defamatory comments against any natural person (living or deceased) or legal entity; (iii) make comments or publish images that may infringe the rights of third parties, are contrary to morals and good customs, that incite violence, hatred, sexism, racism, that allude to pornography, pedophilia, weapons, drugs and other disturbing content or illegal;

A MCONF reserves the right to block the USERS of any modality and to remove content that violates these Terms of Use or is of an illicit nature, to this end by carrying out constant and active monitoring of the PLATFORM It's from PORTAL.

In case any USER of any modality or even any other person identifies acts and/or content of an illegal nature or that are violating these Terms of Use, reports can be made to the MCONF, via email atendimento@mconf.com.

You USERS of all modalities authorize the MCONF to use your data to carry out statistical and other studies that may be published in aggregate form in different public media. The personal data of those referred USERS may never be shared with the general public in order to identify those USERS, nor will they be shared in a manner other than that provided for in this instrument and in a manner not authorized by their respective owners. To read the full Privacy Policy of MCONF, complementary to these Terms of Use, access the address elos.vc/site/privacy.

You USERS of all modalities exempt the MCONF of any liability arising from misuse of the PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL and for damages of any nature that may arise from the transmission, dissemination, availability, reception, obtaining or access to information. Likewise, regardless of the modality, free or paid, no warranty, implicit or explicit, of any nature is offered, either in relation to its operation or in relation to the availability of information.

Any damage, in any capacity, resulting from misuse, accident, malpractice, imprudence or negligence by USERS of any variation, in the use of PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL, is the exclusive responsibility of the aforementioned USERS, without any liability, joint or subsidiary, and in any capacity, of MCONF.

A MCONF will not assume any responsibility for damage to USERS of any variation resulting from unauthorized changes to the PLATFORM and/or in PORTAL, such as system invasions, viruses, and other harmful elements. Still, the MCONF will not assume any responsibility for the decisions of said USERS, based on the use of the functionalities of the PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL.

You USERS of all modalities declare to be aware that small programming defects are common to all software, thus exempting the MCONF, from any liability for damages resulting from such usual defects, limiting the liability of MCONF to correct these small programming defects.

You SUBSCRIBER USERS It is USERS agree to yield to MCONF the rights to use your personal image for the purposes of operating the PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL and publicizing the MCONF and its products, using its own or third-party communication channels.


To the SUBSCRIBER USERS It is USERS register on the PORTAL, they will provide the MCONF, as well as allowing the processing of the following data: full name of the individual/company name, email address, CPF/CNPJ and full address (street, number, complement, neighborhood, city, state, country and zip code).

The collection and processing of data from these USERS aims to identify them, as well as enable them to correctly use the PLATFORM It's from PORTAL, and with this, the MCONF can ensure the good quality of the contracted services.

By consenting to the terms of this instrument and our Privacy Policy, SUBSCRIBER USERS It is USERS expressly declare that they are aware that the collection of their data is essential for the proper functioning of the PLATFORM It's from PORTAL.

The creation of more than one registration per person is expressly prohibited. SUBSCRIBER USER or by USER at the PORTAL. In case of multiple registrations created by a single USER in any modality, the MCONF reserves the right, at its sole discretion, without compensation and without the need for prior consent or communication, to disable all existing registrations in this name USER, and may not accept new registration of the aforementioned USER at the PORTAL. Exceptionally, it may occur MCONF guide USERS SUBSCRIBERS to create additional registrations, following specific guidelines, in order to cover technical needs for the adequate provision of services in the PLATFORM and/or in PORTAL. Such cases will be expressly communicated directly by MCONF for the aforementioned USER.

It is necessary to complete all the data requested by the PORTAL at the time of registration so that SUBSCRIBER USERS It is USERS are qualified to use the PLATFORM and the PORTAL. Still, the SUBSCRIBER USER or USER access through an account on the Facebook or Google platforms, filling in the other data that the PORTAL and/or the PLATFORM point out as necessary.

It is the sole responsibility of SUBSCRIBER USERS It is USERS provide, update and guarantee the veracity of registration data, not being the responsibility of MCONF any type of civil and criminal liability resulting from untrue, incorrect or incomplete data provided by the aforementioned USERS.

A MCONF reserves the right to use all valid and possible means to identify your USERS, in all its forms, as well as requesting additional data and documents that are considered relevant in order to verify the data provided. In this case, the use of PLATFORM by those mentioned USERS is subject to the sending of any documents and data requested.

O SUBSCRIBER USER or USER will access your account on PLATFORM and/or in PORTAL through a login and password, committing not to inform third parties of this data, being fully responsible for the use made of them.

You USERS of all modalities undertake to notify the MCONF immediately, through the contact channels maintained by MCONF at the PORTAL and on PLATFORM, regarding any unauthorized use of your account. The referred USER You will be solely responsible for the operations carried out on your account, as access will only be possible through the use of a password that you know exclusively.

All the USERS may request information about the data collected and processed by MCONF, free of charge, by sending a message to lgpd@mconf.com, and you can request the editing or deletion of this information at any time.

Under no circumstances will the assignment, sale, rental or other form of transfer of the account be permitted. SUBSCRIBER USER or USER.

At its sole discretion, MCONF may exclude, disable, suspend, block, for an indefinite period of time, without prior notice or compensatory compensation, registrations of any type of USERS that violate the terms of this instrument or current legislation.

A MCONF reserves the right not to allow new registration of USERS of any modality that have already been cancelled, disabled, blocked, excluded or suspended from the PORTAL. The creation of new registrations by people whose original registrations have been canceled, blocked, disabled, excluded or suspended for violations of the company's policies will also not be permitted. MCONF or current legislation.

A MCONF reserves the right to, unilaterally, without prior notice, consent or compensation, refuse any registration request from a SUBSCRIBER USER or USER at the PORTAL, as well as canceling, disabling, blocking, deleting or suspending the use of a previously accepted registration.


To the SUBSCRIBER USERS It is USERS The PLATFORM and the PORTAL offer the following functionalities:

  • Creation of videoconference rooms;
  • Provision of interactivity tools within the rooms;
  • Recording of video conferences;
  • Invitations and appointments;
  • Room customization;
  • Integration with virtual learning environments; It is,
  • Reports on the use of the platform and functionalities.

The availability of the features of the PLATFORM It's from PORTAL, as described above, will depend on the account chosen and contracted by the USER or SUBSCRIBER USER next to MCONF, available at elos.vc/site/planos-assinatura.

To the THIRD PARTY USERS The PLATFORM offers the functionality of providing interactivity tools within the rooms, noting that these functionalities are still subject to agreements signed between the THIRD PARTY USERS and the SUBSCRIBER USERS or USERS who are responsible for the room from which the THIRD PARTY USER is being used.

A MCONF may at any time, without the need for prior notice or compensation, edit and/or delete existing functionalities, as well as include new functionalities to the PLATFORM and to PORTAL.

A PLATFORM and the PORTAL are available through this document, through a temporary, limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable Software Use License, unless signed with the MCONF.


O SUBSCRIBER USER will make payment using electronic means duly specified at the time of contracting, and the MCONF may modify payment methods in the future and choose which payment method can be used by each SUBSCRIBER USER.

Subscription plans available at elos.vc/site/planos-assinatura can be subscribed to and managed via PORTAL and will follow the business conditions detailed at the aforementioned email address. For other types of subscription and/or contracts with exceptional conditions, contact must first be made directly with the MCONF, using the contact channels published on the aforementioned email address, so that the contract can be agreed between the parties, case by case.

For SUBSCRIBER USERS in the postpaid modality, domiciled in national territory, MCONF will forward a charge via bank slip in the subsequent month, with an amount related to that consumed in the period referring to the previous month.

For SUBSCRIBER USERS in the prepaid modality, domiciled in national territory, A MCONF will forward a charge via bank slip at the beginning of the current month, related to contracted consumption.

For SUBSCRIBER USERS In pre- and post-paid modalities, domiciled outside Brazil, the charge will be made by credit card. The billing period varies depending on the contracted plan and will be informed in the billing period. PORTAL during the hiring process.

If SUBSCRIBER USER contract the prepaid plan in the middle of the month, a charge will be made at the time of contracting for proportional use until the end of the month. In all cases, the minimum service fee, if defined, must be respected.

If SUBSCRIBER USER contract the postpaid plan in the middle of the month, a proportional charge will be made at the beginning of the subsequent month for proportional usage until the end of the subscription month. In all cases, the minimum service fee, if defined, must be respected.

Payments for services contracted in PLATFORM and/or in PORTAL will be processed through the Iugu platform or the Conta Azul platform, as determined by the MCONF, it is necessary that all SUBSCRIBER USERS also read and agree to the terms of use and services of the platform assigned to them, through the electronic addresses iugu.com/juridico/politica-de-privacidade It is ca.contaazul.com/terms/privacidade/.

When contracting the service provided by MCONF, O SUBSCRIBER USER expressly indicates that you have read and accepted all the conditions present in this instrument and in the specific terms of use and services of the Iugu or Conta Azul platform.

Any dispute over payments made through the Iugu or Conta Azul platforms must be resolved only between the SUBSCRIBER USERS and the respective platform, not being subject to MCONF any responsibility for processing payments made on these platforms.

Payment details provided by SUBSCRIBER USERS will be saved in the database of the Iugu or Conta Azul platforms, and the SUBSCRIBER USER request the deletion of your payment data from the aforementioned database after the transaction has been completed, and to this end, you must inform, when requested by the payment platform, that the payment data will only be used in that transaction, and does not need to be saved for subsequent transactions. A MCONF does not have access to the payment details provided by SUBSCRIBER USERS.


You USERS SUBSCRIBERS It is USERS are solely responsible for the use of your account, therefore, we recommend that you do not share such information with third parties and, if this information is, for any reason, lost or stolen, the SUBSCRIBER USERS It is USERS must immediately inform the MCONF, through contact: customerservice@mconf.com, so that the case can be resolved.

It is the responsibility of USERS, in all its variations, have and maintain equipment and structures that respect the minimum requirements for the use of the services offered by MCONF.

A PLATFORM and the PORTAL may not be used for a purpose other than that for which they were made available by MCONF, so it will not be allowed:

  • Improperly disclose, use or modify the data of others USERS of any modality;
  • Transmit or send information of any nature that may incite, induce or promote discriminatory attitudes, violent or criminal messages that violate good customs, morals or even contradict public order;
  • Change, delete and/or corrupt data and information of third parties or MCONF; It is,
  • Violating the privacy of any USERS.

Any failure to comply with the obligations described above will result in suspension or even exclusion from the SUBSCRIBER USER or USER of PORTAL according to the seriousness of the facts to be investigated, without any prior notice or interpellation.


A MCONF is not responsible for intrusions, improper access, tampering, manipulation or deletion of your data, whether carried out by authorized third parties or not by the USERS of any modality. A MCONF has no obligation to store or provide logs or records of connection and access to the application eventually directed to your account on the system.

A MCONF is not obliged to make or provide backup copies (“Backups”) of your data stored on the PLATFORM and/or in PORTAL, falling to the USER of any modality, use the tools available in the PLATFORM and/or PORTAL to export your data whenever it suits you.

A MCONF will only be held responsible for incidental, special, indirect or consequential losses if it is proven that they resulted from a failure to provide the services covered by this contract, or from non-compliance with the LGPD rules. Damages resulting from the inability to USERS of any modality in using the PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL fall exclusively on them.


You USERS of any modality expressly acknowledge that they do not have any industrial and/or intellectual property rights over any component, creation, computer program, design, or any other item available on the PLATFORM and in PORTAL, these being the exclusive property of MCONF.

A MCONF reserves the right, at any time and at its sole discretion, to modify the access conditions to the PLATFORM and to PORTAL, changing their designs and/or their forms of presentation, including or suppressing functionalities and/or information, or making any other change, of any kind, without this resulting in any right of the USERS of any form to claim losses and damages, on any account.


From the moment the USER become a SUBSCRIBER USER at PLATFORM, O USER SUBSCRIBER becomes our client, and as such, authorizes the MCONF to place your company name and logo on our website and other communications with third parties. If SUBSCRIBER USER unsubscribe from PLATFORM, we will understand that the SUBSCRIBER USER You are no longer our client and this authorization will be automatically cancelled.


A MCONF will provide support to USERS of any modality, PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL, exclusively during business hours (09:00 – 17:00 Brasília time, Monday to Friday, except holidays) via email support@mconf.com, from the address elos.vc/ajuda and on its official social networks. In support requests, the MCONF You will have up to 72 (seventy-two) working hours to respond.

By not providing service on national holidays, state holidays in Rio Grande do Sul and municipal holidays in Porto Alegre, the MCONF will be announced in advance on the official Instagram page (instagram.com/somos.mconf) the periods in which there will be no business hours, that is, periods of time that are not counted as time elapsed to provide responses.

Those referred USERS will be able to access tutorial videos and training materials online through the HELP link, or directly on the website elos.vc/ajuda.


O SUBSCRIBER USER of the post-paid modality that contracted directly through the PORTAL You can cancel your subscription at any time by managing your subscription on PORTAL. Upon cancellation, the SUBSCRIBER USER You will receive a charge proportional to the usage made from the beginning of the month when the last charge was made, until the end of the month in which the plan was canceled.

O SUBSCRIBER USER of the prepaid modality that made the contract directly through the PORTAL You can cancel your subscription at any time by managing your subscription on PORTAL. When confirming the cancellation, the SUBSCRIBER USER You will still be able to enjoy your plan during the contracted and paid period. At the end of the contracted period, the service will be automatically cancelled.

SUBSCRIBER USERS post or prepaid, after canceling their subscriptions and becoming USERS, you can still access it via PORTAL your billing information from previous months.

O SUBSCRIBER USER understand that closing your account on PLATFORM It is PORTAL will only be carried out by MCONF If USER SUBSCRIBER have no financial issues.


O SUBSCRIBER USER and the USER can stop using the PORTAL and the PLATFORM at any time by deleting your account. This will only be possible if the aforementioned USER do not have any financial issues with the MCONF. A MCONF also reserves the right to suspend or terminate the offering of the PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL at any time, at our discretion and without prior notice.


The data stored in MCONF include only recordings that the USER SUBSCRIBER or USER generate and access statistics for you and your THIRD PARTY USERS, when these exist. Documents, texts, and media of any kind shared during a conference that have not been recorded will not be stored by the MCONF.

During the period that the USER is a SUBSCRIBER USER, your recordings will be kept for a maximum period of 6 (six) months on our servers. During this period the SUBSCRIBER USER You will have the option to export the recordings, and you can even host them on other servers or services. After 6 (six) months of recording recordings, the MCONF may, unilaterally and at its sole discretion, remove recordings from its database.


You SUBSCRIBER USERS It is USERS are obliged to keep their registration data updated, as well as informing any changes made, especially their payment and billing details, when applicable, as well as their email address and telephone number, which will be the main channels of communication between the MCONF and the SUBSCRIBER USERS It is USERS.

A MCONF You may change this instrument at any time, simply by publishing a revised version on our website. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you always visit this section of our website and read it periodically. However, to contribute to a good relationship, we will also send an email informing you of these changes.

To handle cases involving USERS of any modality located outside the Brazilian national territory, the MCONF has a specific channel to resolve doubts and/or receive requests of an extraterritorial nature, which are handled exclusively by initial communication via email to the address lgpd@mconf.com.

All materials, patents, brands, registrations, domains, names, privileges, creations, images and all rights connected and related to the PLATFORM It is like PORTAL and developed by MCONF are and will remain the sole and exclusive property of MCONF, agreeing with the USERS of any modality not to perform an act or fact that, in any way, harms the rights provided for herein nor to claim any right or privilege over them, under the terms of Law No. 9,610/98.

You USERS of any modality agree that they will not do, attempt to do, or help anyone to do any type of reverse engineering or attempt to access the source code and structure of the database, in relation to PLATFORM nor to PORTAL.

Comments and suggestions from USERS of any modality are very welcome and can generate innovations or implementations that can be incorporated into the PLATFORM and/or to PORTAL, but this will not give USERS any type of right over them. You USERS of any modality do not and will not have any direct or indirect ownership, title or interest in the PLATFORM or in PORTAL or in MCONF.

Taxes, fees, tariffs and contributions levied on operations carried out through the PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL, as the case may be, will be borne by the party responsible for their collection, in accordance with the Law.

This instrument does not establish between the parties any form of partnership, employment relationship, joint, subsidiary and/or joint liability, nor can it be understood as a mandate or agency.

This instrument constitutes the integral understanding between the USERS of any modality and the MCONF and is governed by Brazilian Laws, with the forum of the city of Porto Alegre – RS being elected as the only one competent to resolve issues arising from this instrument, with express waiver of any other forum, however privileged it may be.

Last updated August 2024