
On this page you will find details of our Privacy Policy, in which we describe our actions involving the collection, use and transfer of personal data. The security of our customers, users, partners and employees is one of the pillars of our work. Therefore, when using Elos you are protected by our Privacy Policy and agree to accept it in full.

Also read our Information Security Policy and the Terms of use of the Links.

We use personal data to:

  • Provide usage reports to customers and users, in accordance with plans and supplementary agreements expressly accepted by all parties involved;
  • Generate profile and usage analyses of our products and services, accessed only by our team. This way, we can improve our service, enhance and innovate our products based on what is really of interest to those who use Elos;
  • Perform administrative, accounting and communication routines and identify risks related to fraud attempts.

Please note that in cases where Elos is integrated with a system managed by third parties (educational institutions' learning environments, for example), data is collected and transferred from this system to Elos. Consequently, responsibility for users' personal data is shared with this third party. We are always available to help take measures to increase the protection and security of our users' personal data; simply contact us through one of our official service channels.

Read the Privacy Policy in full below, which follows the same definitions described in item 1 of our Terms of Use.

Privacy Policy

SUBSCRIBER USERS It is USERS accept and agree that the information registered in the PORTAL and/or transmitted by the PLATFORM are published and/or provided in accordance with the provisions of this instrument and the provisions below:

  • The data collected and processed by MCONF by PLATFORM It's from PORTAL will be stored on the servers of subcontracted companies Amazon, Digital Ocean and Oracle, which can have their privacy policies accessed through their respective addresses aws.amazon.com/pt/compliance/gdpr-centerdigitalocean.com/legal/data-processing-agreement It is oracle.com/legal/privacy/privacy-policy.html;
  • The storage and processing of data by MCONF will last for at least the period of time in which the registration of the SUBSCRIBER USER or USER stay in PORTAL;
  • Any information provided will be stored in a database controlled by MCONF;
  • This database may be stored on servers not located in the country where the SUBSCRIBER USER or USER is located or where the MCONF is found; and;
  • The servers are owned and managed by service providers contracted by MCONF.

Subtitles feature

Specifically regarding the automatic subtitle generation feature, available in PLATFORM, data sharing, by USERS of any modality is optional and your acceptance is requested the first time it is used. To revoke acceptance, simply open the microphone settings and uncheck the subtitle generation feature. Therefore, the use of PLATFORM It's from PORTAL are not subject to acceptance of the Terms of Use of the subtitle generation feature.

In order for the subtitle generation feature to be used, the MCONF collects and shares with third-party services the following data: browser language and speaker voice data. This data is not stored in the databases of MCONF, they are sent in real time to the service that generates the subtitles that are displayed PLATFORM.

Important additional information:

  • no data is collected from those who are simply viewing the captions of other session participants;
  • If a participant activates the microphone but does not activate the generation of captions, he or she will still be able to see the captions generated by other participants, but his or her speech will not be transcribed, nor will his or her data be shared with the third-party service;

For details of the feature provided by the third party service, see here.


When accessing and using pages hosted on elos.vc domains and subdomains, all USERS of all types, as well as visitors to the aforementioned pages, are subject to our Privacy Policy described here, which includes the generation and use of Cookies. Even after setting your Cookie preferences, you can review and change them at any time by clicking Cookie settings.

Sharing of personal data

You SUBSCRIBER USERS It is USERS understand and agree that the MCONF may, from time to time, share the following personal data with partners, for the purpose of providing the service (legitimate interest), financial, administrative and compliance with communication routines between the MCONF and the SUBSCRIBER USERS It is USERS:

  • Full name of the individual/company name;
  • Email address;
  • CPF or CNPJ;
  • Complete address;
  • Telephone;
  • Profile photo, if provided;
  • Information regarding permissions and other identifiers, passed on by the institution controlling the data.


It may also be possible to share the above data, the SUBSCRIBER USERS It is USERS, with subcontracted companies, which perform services related to administrative, financial and communication routines, the companies being: RD, Conta Azul, Hotjar, PipeDrive, Movidesk, Facebook, E-notas and Iugu.

Even using computational infrastructure managed by third parties, the MCONF does not authorize the use of information from USERS of any modality by service providers.

The MCONF will have access to data from THIRD PARTY USERS when these are necessary for the operation of the PORTAL and from PLATFORM, as provided for in this term and in its complementary documentation signed between the MCONF and the SUBSCRIBER USER or USER who is intermediating the use of the THIRD PARTY USER with the PLATFORM and/or PORTAL. A MCONF will only use this data for technical and business analysis and provision of support services, exempting itself from the obligation to mediate or resolve problems arising from the use of the PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL that are guided by agreements signed directly between SUBSCRIBER USERS or USERS and yours THIRD PARTY USERS.

A MCONF protects all personal data of USERS of all modalities using technically and economically reasonable standards of care considering current Internet technology, as well as the provisions of the LGPD. You GDPR. You USERS of all modalities recognize that there can be no expectation regarding total security on the Internet against website invasion or other irregular acts. MCONF choose the world's leading data security service providers, MCONF is exempt from responsibility for any possible cyber attack or failure of security technologies that could lead to information being exposed.

The right of the MCONF in providing data and information from USERS of any modality, as well as the entire system used in PLATFORM and in PORTAL, for its technical team, which may be formed by employees of the MCONF and/or by a third-party company, which will be responsible for managing the security and reliability of the PLATFORM It's from PORTAL and data from USERS of any modality.

All members of the technical team, whether employees or outsourced companies, will sign a confidentiality agreement, declaring that they are obliged to keep all commercial, accounting, administrative, technological, infrastructural, technical information under absolute confidentiality, that is, any data mutually revealed in as a result of maintaining the operation and safety of the PLATFORM It's from PORTAL, refraining from using them for their own benefit or that of third parties, committing themselves to ensure that their partners, employees with an employment relationship and third parties they trust, informed of this obligation, also do so.

You USERS of any modality authorize the data that records your actions within the PLATFORM and/or the PORTAL (such as access days and times and other information about the use of features) are published to others SUBSCRIBER USERS or USERS, as provided for in this instrument, mainly aimed at generating reports on the use of services offered by MCONF.

Public content provided by USER of any form, including the profile photo, but not limited to it, is the property of the individual USER.

It is the exclusive competence of Justice and legal bodies in Brazilian territory to request the MCONF the provision of personal data of USERS of any modality that demonstrably disregard the terms and conditions present in this instrument and the legal provisions applicable to the species, reserving the MCONF the right to provide the Justice and competent legal bodies with the personal data of USERS of any modality, when substantiatedly required.

Last updated August 2024